
Discount WoodOwl 05302 3 5/8-Inch Bit with 7/16-Inch Shank Selfeed Bit Sale

WoodOwl 05302 3 5/8-Inch Bit with 7/16-Inch Shank Selfeed Bit

you looking for cheaper WoodOwl 05302 3 5/8-Inch Bit with 7/16-Inch Shank Selfeed Bit?

before decision to buy, I searches on on line so long time. So I gathered a online shop that sells WoodOwl 05302 3 5/8-Inch Bit with 7/16-Inch Shank Selfeed Bit and compare prices to. Some shops offers me fast shipping.

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WoodOwl 05302 3 5/8-Inch Bit with 7/16-Inch Shank Selfeed Bit

  • Speed of use with a self-feed design and precisely ground cutting edges that guide the bit into the work, minimizing end user force and torque.
  • Long bit life without the need for frequent resharpening ensured by tightly controlled heat-treat and hardening processes.
  • Quick-change 7/16ö hex shank for fast bit change-out with secure gripping surfaces in the drill chuck.
  • Perfectly concentric design that elimintes bit "run out" and ensures a dimensionally correct hole.

WoodOwl 05302 3 5/8-Inch Bit with 7/16-Inch Shank Selfeed Bit
WoodOwl's 3-5/8"-Diameter Self-Feed Wood Boring Bit is designed with precise, hardened cutting edges that hold up cut after cut. Combined with an aggessive threaded lead screw that helps draw the bit into the work, the WoodOwl Self-Feed Bit offers maximum cutting ability with minimum fatigue.

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