
Cheap KREG KMA3200 Shelf Pin Drilling Jig Sale

KREG KMA3200 Shelf Pin Drilling Jig

KREG KMA3200 Shelf Pin Drilling Jig
If you're adding shelf pin holes to an existing piece of furniture or building shelves from scratch, the Kreg Shelf Pin Jig is the perfect tool for the job. Unlike other shelf pin guides, the Shelf Pin Jig features hardened steel drill guides which ensure perfectly precise and straight drilling, a dual position adjustable fence for custom hole placement, an included locating pin for quick and accurate spacing reference, a handy jig extender which lets you connect multiple Shelf Pin Jigs together for high-speed production work, and features a handy and secure storage space for the drill bit and locating pin built right in to the back-side of the jig.

KREG KMA3200 Shelf Pin Drilling Jig

  • Hardened steel drill guides ensure precise drilling
  • Locating pin lets you quickly reference last hole drilled
  • Connect multiple jigs together with the jig extender
  • Includes Shelf-Pin Jig, locating pin, jig extender, 1/4-Inch drill bit, depth collar, Allen wrench, instruction manual, and four 1/4-Inch shelf pins
  • Dual position and adjustable 1-Inch and 2-Inch fence with standard hole spacing of 32 mm and a standard hole size of 1/4-Inch also sold separately 5 mm hole size

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