
Save On Promax Forstner Wood Boring Bit Online

Promax Forstner Wood Boring Bit

you looking for cheap Promax Forstner Wood Boring Bit?

before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a online shop that sells Promax Forstner Wood Boring Bit and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me fast shipping.

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Promax Forstner Wood Boring Bit

  • Made of high quality carbon steel with Sure Grip Hex Shanks.
  • Cut clean sided, flat bottom holes.
  • Use in wood or wood composite material.
  • Bits are 3 5/8" long and have 3/8" diameter heat treated shanks
  • Sizes greater than 2 1/8" have 1/2" shanks.

Promax Forstner Wood Boring Bit
Made of high quality carbon steel with Sure Grip Hex Shanks for better holding power. Cut clean sided, flat bottom holes. Use in wood or wood composite material. Sizes 1" and larger feature a saw tooth multi spur design that keeps the cutting edge cool and eliminates burning. Bits are 3 5/8" long and have 3/8" diameter heat treated shanks for use with drill presses or hand drills. Sizes greater than 2 1/8" have 1/2" shanks.

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